US States Take on Rebate Reform!

Rebate reform groundwork in 2022 and prior is paying off and we have some exciting state-level updates to share. Join Our Stories Rx to remain in touch regularly through this session and will share highlights, key notes, and calls to action by state.

State Updates

Individual state pages are live on the PPPC site. More to come as we see and hear of movement across the nation!


What We Know: We anticipate a rebate reform bill to surface again in Washington this session, similar to last year’s SB5888. Our RX Stories is working closely with PPPC members and Lupus Foundation in Washington to educate new coalition members and legislators in anticipation of activity. These outstanding advocacy groups have laid outstanding groundwork in Washington and we are thrilled to support their efforts.

Timeline: WA’s session convenes on January 11 and will adjourn on April 23.

ACTION: We continue to recruit local, regional, and national patient and professional advocacy groups to sign on to letters, Op-eds, and to join us for committee and legislator meetings and a possible in-person event. Please contact Our Stories Rx to advise, and please share this message with those who align with this effort. We know that every voice counts, and we are hopeful to bring this bill to this year’s session!


What We Know: Sen. Ed Charbonneau has authored SB 8 and a sister bill is anticipated to be filed in the Indiana House, with a deadline to file in the House on January 12.

Timeline: The Indiana legislature convenes on January 9 and adjourns on April 27, with a crossover deadline on February 28.

ACTION: None urgent at this time. Please share this with your Indiana colleagues and stay tuned for further action once bills are introduced.


What We Know: While we do not yet have a bill number, Kentucky will release a bill that closely mirrors SB134, the PBM rebate reform bill from last session sponsored by Senator Meredith. The legislation will likely include rebate pass-through language that meets our principles and stipulates 80% of rebates be passed through to patients at the point of sale. State partners have been working to educate coalition members and legislators in the state, and released an op-ed in November, which can be found here.

Timeline: KY’s session this year convened on January 3 and will adjourn on March 30. Senate bills must be filed by February 21 and the House filing deadline is February 22.

ACTION: As more information surfaces about this bill, we will share. For now, please share this info with your Kentucky colleagues.

New Jersey

What We Know: The Governor’s Office released an Affordability Package last session, which includes PBM bills S1616/A536. Of these, A536 has been amended to include rebate-passthrough language. S1616 addresses PBM transparency but does not specifically require rebate pass through. State partners are working to educate legislators and staff on our legislative principles and encouraging revisions to align with limiting out of pocket patient costs.

Timeline: The New Jersey Legislature convenes on January 9 and adjourns on December 31.

ACTION: None at this time, and it is our understanding that this package is moving slowly. Please share this information with your New Jersey colleagues


What We Know: With the flurry of support we received in 2022, we anticipate a rebate reform bill introduced in Oklahoma this session and are conducting outreach now.

Next Step: The Oklahoma legislature convenes on February 9 and adjourns on May 26. Bills in both chambers must be introduced by January 19, and the crossover deadline is March 23.

ACTION: As more information surfaces about this bill, we will share. For now, please share this info with your Oklahoma colleagues.


What We Know: Sen. Monty Mason and Del. Israel O’Quinn are sponsoring sister rebate reform bills meeting our principles, with an 80% of PBM rebates passed through to patients at the point of sale in VA. HB 1782 and SB 1425 and we anticipate the Senate bill very soon. We have been working to educate new coalition members, patient and professional advocacy groups, and legislators in anticipation of the upcoming session.

Timeline: VA’s session moves quickly, convening on January 11 and adjourning by February 25. The bill will have until February 7 to crossover from its originating chamber to the opposite side.

ACTION: Partners have sent a Thank You letter to bill sponsors from the PPPC and supporting partner organizations. Our partners are also looking ahead to a possible in-person event at the Capitol in the next 3-4 weeks to rally support for this bill. Our contacts will advise as soon as we have confirmed so that you may share an invitation to this event with your audience. We continue to recruit local, regional, and national patient and professional advocacy groups to sign on to our letters, Op-eds, and to join us for committee and legislator meetings and our upcoming Capitol event. Please contact your Virginia chapters to advise them, and please share this message with those who align with this effort.